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Tradotto da: Alessandro Selli il 10 giugno 2010
Ultima revisione: 10 giugno 2010

La Buddhist Relief Mission

Venerdì 21 maggio 2010

Durante gli anni '80 in cui Ken e Visakha Kawasaki lavoravano come professionisti ESL [English as a Second Language, Inglese quale seconda lingua] nei campi profughi indocinesi in Thailandia e nelle Filippine, hanno constatato che la maggior parte delle ONG [Organizzazioni Non Governative] che procuravano servizi di assistenza ai rifugiati si fondavano sul cristianesimo.  Per quanto alcune fossero meno sfacciate di altre nel fare proselitismo, nessuna offriva sostegno ai monasteri buddhisti, nonostante il fatto che quei monasteri avessero un ruolo centrale nella vita di tanti rifugiati, in particolar modo per i laotiani delle pianure, i khmer e i vietnamiti.  Dopo aver lasciato il loro lavoro nei campi profughi ed aver fatto ritorno in Giappone per insegnare, i Kawasaki hanno trascorso le loro ferie estive in Thailandia e hanno visitato di nuovo i campi profughi.  Loro amici gli chiedevano spesso di portare donazioni ai monaci e ai monasteri.  Quello fu l'inizio della Buddhist Relief Mission.  Nonostante i Kawasaki vivessero in Giappone molti dei loro donatori erano negli Stati Uniti e cos, nel 1988, la BRM fu registrata come un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro nello Stato del Michigan.

non-profit organization in the State of Michigan. In 1989, BRM learned from refugees in Thailand that there were virtually no Buddhist texts printed in Lao. One day, while visiting the library of World Fellowship of Buddhists in Bangkok, the Kawasakis found an old copy of The Dhammapada in Lao. The following year, they had collected enough donations to reprint almost 5000 copies of this book for free distribution not only to refugee communities and monasteries around the world, but also inside Laos. This was followed in subsequent years by reprints of The Dhammapada in Khmer, Mon, and Vietnamese. After sending several thousand copies into Cambodia in 1992, BRM learned that this was the first distribution of any Buddhist text in that country after the Khmer Rouge devastation. The Indochinese camps are long gone, and BRM activities have broadened, but the Kawasakis are still concentrating their attention on isolated Buddhist communities, including refugees, particularly Burmese, following the violent upheavals in that country since 1988. BRM projects have included scholarships for monks studying in Burma, India and Sri Lanka; Sangha hospitals; and Buddhist orphanages and schools in Burma, Bangladesh, and India. For many years, BRM has supported Buddhist individuals and groups in prisons in the United States. During their residence in Michigan, the Kawasakis served as chaplain’s assistants for the local jail and as Buddhist consultants for the Michigan Department of Corrections.In 2005, the Kawasakis moved to Sri Lanka, where they continue as directors of BRM. Since 2006, they have conducted an annual intensive English course, mainly for university-student monks, in India for three years and in Sri Lanka for the past two. One of the most important characteristics of BRM is that it is very small. Neither the Kawasakis nor any of the volunteers for the various projects receive any remuneration, although, because BRM has been granted 50l (c) 3 status by the United States government, donations and volunteer expenses can be exempted from income for tax purposes.
All of the activities of Buddhist Relief Mission are described with photos on their website, . Also available on the website are all of BRM unique creations, including an audio CD set, Pali Chanting–International; a multi-media CD and DVD, Strive On With Diligence; and the board game, Buddhist Knowledge Quest, which was featured in Dhamma Musings on August 25, 2009 < .
You can contact Buddhist Relief Mission via the website or at .
Posted by Shravasti Dhammika at 2:49 AM

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